CommunicationCourse AdminFacultyHow-to GuideTAZoom How to Share Your iPad Screen and Annotate Content in Zoom At a Glance In this guide for faculty and teaching teams, you'll learn how to…Jillian RubmanApril 30, 2021
Course AdminCourse ManagementExclude from SearchFacultyHow-to GuideTA How to Check into aPlus+ Attendance with a Unique Code as a Student At a Glance In your Canvas course, aPlus+ Attendance can be used by the teaching…Anna WrightSeptember 11, 2023
CommunicationCourse AdminFacultyHow-to GuideTAZoom Remote Teaching Equipment Recommendations At a Glance Faculty may require additional technology to support their teaching. Please see our…Anna WrightMarch 30, 2021
CanvasCommunicationCourse AdminCourse ManagementFacultyHow-to GuideTAZoom What is a Zoom Scheduling Host? What is a Zoom Scheduling Host? The Zoom Scheduling Host is the person who schedules…Jacob Yoon Zeng YewApril 20, 2021
Course AdminFacultyHow-to GuideTA Practice Sessions At a Glance In this guide, you’ll learn how to sign up to practice using…Anna WrightMarch 31, 2021
Explain EverythingFacultyHow-to GuideStudentTATeaching SpacesWhiteboardingZoom How to Wirelessly Connect an iPad or Laptop in an MIT Sloan Supported Space At a Glance Projecting wirelessly in one of our classrooms or conference rooms allows you…Elias BouquillonMay 19, 2023
CommunicationCourse AdminFacultyHow-to GuideTAZoom How to Set Up and Manage Breakout Rooms During a Zoom Meeting At a Glance In this guide, you'll learn how to create and manage breakout rooms…Jillian RubmanMay 3, 2021
How-to GuidePoll EverywherePollingStudentSurveys How to Respond to a Poll Using Poll Everywhere as a Student At a Glance Poll Everywhere is a web and SMS text-messaging student response system that…Anna WrightNovember 8, 2021
Assessments and ExamsCourse AdminFacultyFeedbackFeedback FruitsGroup and Team WorkHow-to GuideTA How to Create a Peer Review Assignment Using FeedbackFruits in Canvas At a Glance The Group Member Evaluation tool in FeedbackFruits streamlines the way students assess…Anna WrightSeptember 15, 2021
CanvasCourse AdminCourse ManagementFacultyHow-to GuideTA How to Change Your Course Name in Canvas At a Glance The course name is displayed on the Course Card on your Canvas…Anna WrightJanuary 25, 2022