aPlus+ Attendance |
aPlus+ Attendance is MIT Sloan’s Canvas integration that allows teaching teams to track, manage, and sync student attendance data within their course.
Yes |
Canvas |
Canvas is MIT’s modern, easy-to-use Learning Management System (LMS) that brings instructors, students, and course content together in one place. It’s cloud-based, so you can access all of your courses in real-time from anywhere, on any Internet-connected device.
- Learning Management System (LMS)
Yes |
Course Bot (Beta) |
Course Bot (Beta) is MIT Sloan’s Canvas integration that enables students to ask questions about course logistics and receive instant answers from an AI-powered chatbot. This tool is currently available for experimental use at MIT Sloan for select courses in Spring 2025.
Yes |
Course Overview |
Course Overview is MIT Sloan’s custom Canvas integration that displays the course’s directory information (e.g. course description, meet times, etc.) within the Canvas course.
- Course Description
- Teaching Team Info
Yes |
Explain Everything |
Explain Everything is MIT’s feature-rich digital whiteboard app for tablets and web browsers.
No |
FeedbackFruits |
FeedbackFruits is MIT Sloan’s Canvas integration that provides students with opportunities to give and receive peer-review feedback.
Yes |
Gradescope |
Gradescope is MIT’s tool for grading paper-based, digital, and code assignments. It’s designed to reduce grading time, increase grading consistency, and improve quality of feedback.
Yes |
Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) |
Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) is MIT Sloan’s Canvas integration that provides teaching teams with copyright-cleared access to HBP Cases and Simulations.
- Case Teaching
- Copyright Clearance
- Simulations
Yes |
Membership |
Membership is MIT Sloan’s custom Canvas integration that allows teaching teams to:
- provide students with temporary access to Canvas courses; and
- add teaching team guests (Faculty Observers, Mentors, etc.) to Canvas courses.
Yes |
MITSIS Grade Export |
The MITSIS Grade Export tool allows Faculty and Course Admins to export a final grade CSV file from Canvas for submission to MIT’s Online Grading System (OGS).
Yes |
Panopto |
Panopto is MIT’s lecture capture tool and video hosting platform that allows you to record, host, share, and search videos. This tool is available in all Sloan courses in Canvas to help you build a more cohesive course experience.
Yes |
Photobook |
Photobook is MIT Sloan’s custom Canvas integration that displays student profile information and professional headshots from the student’s MySloan bio in their Canvas course sites.
Yes |
Piazza |
Piazza is MIT’s platform for instructors to efficiently manage class Q&A. It’s designed to simulate real class discussion.
Yes |
Poll Everywhere |
Poll Everywhere is MIT’s dynamic online polling platform that allows students to vote on custom teacher-generated polls through SMS, smartphone or computer.
No |
Qualtrics |
Qualtrics is MIT’s online survey tool that allows you to build surveys, distribute surveys, and analyze responses.
No |
Slack |
Slack is MIT’s Canvas integration for messaging and collaboration. Teaching teams can create a private Slack workspace for a course. Members of the workspace can chat together in conversation channels for topics, projects, and groups, and send direct messages.
Yes |
Stack AI |
Stack AI is a no-code platform that enables the creation of AI-powered applications for teaching and learning. It allows faculty, staff, and students to build custom chatbots, simulations, and other interactive tools without coding experience. This tool is currently available for experimental use at MIT Sloan.
Yes |
Study.Net |
Study.Net is MIT Sloan’s Canvas integration that provides students with access to their Study.Net digital course pack from within the Canvas course.
Yes |
Zoom |
Zoom is MIT’s cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars.
- Communication
- Polling
- Video
Yes |
Zoom LTI Pro |
Zoom LTI Pro is MIT’s Canvas integration that allows faculty to schedule, manage, and join Zoom meetings right from their Canvas course. Students can join meetings from there, too. Because they are already logged in to Canvas, they will be logged in to their Zoom application. This ensures pre-assigned breakout rooms are more successful.
- Communication
- Polling
- Video
Yes |