Teaching Studio

The MIT Sloan Teaching Studio is an innovative on-campus broadcast and recording studio. You can use it to create instructional videos and teach live classes via Zoom. The studio is available by appointment only. Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Explore the Teaching Studio

The Teaching Studio is open to MIT Sloan faculty and staff. Instructors can also book the studio for student use.

Request a Consultation

Request a Consultation

Follow these steps to request a Teaching Studio consultation and reserve the studio.

Explore the Studio

Learn about the Teaching Studio. We designed it with you and your students in mind.

Watch an Example Video

See examples of the kinds of videos you can create in the Teaching Studio.

Record an Instructional Video

Learn how to record an instructional video in the Teaching Studio.

Teach a Class Live Online

Learn how to teach live using Zoom in the Teaching Studio.

Choose Your Outfit

Learn what to wear (and what not to wear) so you look great on camera in the Teaching Studio.

Download a Template

Download slide and script templates designed to help you do your best work in the Teaching Studio.

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