At a Glance

Watch the videos below to get a sense of the kinds of videos you can create in the Teaching Studio.

Tip: Ready to get started on your own Teaching Studio project? The first step is to request a consultation.

How ChatGPT Works: A Non-Technical Primer

In this video, Rama Ramakrishnan, Professor of the Practice in Data Science and Applied Machine Learning at the MIT Sloan School of Management, guides us on an exploration of the AI model ChatGPT. The video traces the evolution of ChatGPT from its predecessors, GPT-3 and GPT-3.5. It demystifies the complex mathematical and neural network foundations that enable the model to predict and generate text based on vast amounts of data sourced from the internet.

Tip: Rama Ramakrishnan created his video using the Projector Scene in the Teaching Studio. Learn more about the studio scenes.

How to Use ChatGPT’s Advanced Data Analysis Feature

Join Chuck Downing, a PhD student at MIT Sloan, as he dives into the capabilities of ChatGPT’s Advanced Data Analysis features. This tutorial showcases how to enable and use Advanced Data Analysis, from reading and describing datasets to generating advanced data visualization and regression analyses. Downing demonstrates the process using the World Bank’s carbon emissions dataset, highlighting the seamless integration of data upload, code generation, and result interpretation. Whether you’re a researcher or just curious about this AI tool, this video provides a helpful introduction to harnessing the power of ChatGPT for your data tasks.