At a Glance
Panopto’s Video Library is folder-based, meaning each course in Canvas has its own folder in Panopto where you can store your course videos. Each course’s video library is accessible by clicking on Videos in the Course Navigation Menu.
If you’d like your students to record and submit a video to an assignment or discussion in Canvas, you first have to create an Assignment Folder in Panopto. Doing so will create a subfolder under Videos where all student video submissions will be stored.
In this guide, you’ll learn how to create an Assignment Folder in Panopto.
Create an Assignment Folder in Panopto
- In your Canvas course, click on Videos in the Course Navigation Menu.
- Click on the Settings icon in the top-right hand corner.
- Under Overview, click the Create Assignment Folder link.
- A link to the new assignment folder will automatically appear with the parent folder’s name with the word assignments in brackets next to it.
- Students will be able to record and upload videos to this folder, as well as be able to edit and delete their own videos.
- Students are unable to change this folder’s settings and permissions, or view its statistics.
- Optional: By default, students will not be able to see any other user’s videos in the folder. If you’d like to allow students to see each other’s video submissions in this folder, do the following:
- Click on the newly created assignment folder link.
- Click on the Settings icon in the top-right hand corner.
- Under Settings, select the Allow viewers to see each other’s sessions checkbox.
- Click on the newly created assignment folder link.