At a Glance

In this guide for students, you’ll learn about the most important things that you need to know for getting started in Canvas.

Logging In and Accessing Courses

How to Log in to Canvas

  1. Go to and log in with your MIT Kerberos credentials.
    Screenshot of Canvas Log in Screen
  2. For best performance, you should use Canvas on the current or first previous major release of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari.
  3. You can also access Canvas via the Canvas Student app, available for Android and iOS.

How to Add or Update Your Profile Photo

For step-by-step instructions, see How do I edit my overview information in my profile?

How to Access Courses

Current courses are displayed on your Canvas Dashboard. Click on the title of a course to access it.
Screenshot of Canvas Dashboard Student View

All current and past courses you’ve enrolled in at MIT (in any role) are listed under All Courses. To view the list, click Courses [1] on the Global Navigation Menu, and then click All Courses [2].
Screenshot of Canvas Student All Courses Menu

How to Add/Drop a Canvas Course

You are automatically enrolled in the appropriate Canvas course within 24 hours of officially registering for a course by completing the Add/Drop process.

Send questions about your registrations to Sloan Educational Services (SES).

In the case of a registration delay, you can request that somebody on the teaching team (instructor, TA, etc.) gives you temporary access to the Canvas course via a 48-Hour Student Pass.

To confirm your registrations, click the Help button in Canvas [1] and then click Check Your Registration at MIT [2]. You must be registered for the course in order to be enrolled in the Canvas site.
Screenshot of Check your Registration at MIT link

Managing Your Studies

How to Use the Course Calendar

View items due on your Canvas Calendar by clicking Calendar on the Global Navigation Menu.
Screenshot of Canvas Calendar Icon

Items due will also appear on your To Do list within each course.
Screenshot of Canvas To Do list

How to Manage Notifications

Make sure your notifications are on so you receive important notifications from your instructors. For step-by-step instructions, see How do I set my Canvas notifications preferences as a student?

How to Submit Assignments

For step-by-step instructions for submitting assignments, see How do I submit an online assignment?

How to Join Your Team/Team Workspace

You can sign up for a group and/or join a group’s workspace in Canvas. For step-by-step instructions, see How do I join a group as a student?

How to Get Help

Click Help [1] in the Global Navigation Menu to access 24/7 support, such as live chat, resource guides, and a support hotline [2].
Screenshot of Help Menu in Canvas

How to Prepare for the End of a Term

Before the end of the term, make sure to download any course files, materials, etc. that you wish to keep.